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4tune 08-26-2010 03:13 PM

Testing Demo, a few suggestions
Hi, I have been testing the Composer demo and have to say there are some nice things about this software, the MIDI rendering from what I have tested is pretty solid.

There are a couple of things that have come to mind though that I have personal requests for, probably in order of importance:


- User Definable Shortcuts.

(Just as a side-note is there a reason why `Go to Start of Score` is defaulted as `Ctrl + Home` rather than just `Home`?)

- If when clicking one note to select it, be able to drag it straight away and have the current selection method require a modifier key instead i.e. Ctrl.
This could be optional?

- User defined level of zoom on import of a MIDI file or `remember last zoom level`

- Mouse-wheel zoom i.e [Ctrl + MouseWheel] as in a lot of windows apps.

- Middle mouse-click to set playback marker


I realise this is a lot of requests at once but I thought I should post while I thought of them. Enjoying testing the demo in the mean time :)

Sherry C 08-26-2010 08:51 PM

Re: Testing Demo, a few suggestions


Originally Posted by 4tune (Post 14743)
Hi, I have been testing the Composer demo and have to say there are some nice things about this software, the MIDI rendering from what I have tested is pretty solid.

Thanks for the kind words! Our whole line of software is founded on the MIDI-to-notation engine that Mark Walsen developed for the original MidiNotate product.


There are a couple of things that have come to mind though that I have personal requests for, probably in order of importance:


- User Definable Shortcuts.
We do have this on the "wish list" for the next major release.

(Just as a side-note is there a reason why `Go to Start of Score` is defaulted as `Ctrl + Home` rather than just `Home`?)
That I don't know off the top of my head - I'd have to ask Mark Walsen, the developer (we actually let him loose for a vacation this week :) )


- If when clicking one note to select it, be able to drag it straight away and have the current selection method require a modifier key instead i.e. Ctrl.
This could be optional?
Actually the modifier "Ctrl" for selecting allows you to select a region of the score. We also have some "overhaul" plans in store for selection methods for the next major release that will include what we anticipate as an even more intuitive means for selecting single or multiple objects or regions in the score. Such changes come about because folks like you care enough to give us very good feedback :)


- User defined level of zoom on import of a MIDI file or `remember last zoom level`
Also on the "to do" list.


- Mouse-wheel zoom i.e [Ctrl + MouseWheel] as in a lot of windows apps.
This would fall in with the options for the user to define their own shortcuts/mouse actions. Currently, the mousewheel is used for scrolling through the score, which is a bit more common functionality in other common programs.

- Middle mouse-click to set playback marker
That's an excellent suggestion! We do have some other changes we're looking at for playback marker positions, and I'll add this to the task.


I realise this is a lot of requests at once but I thought I should post while I thought of them. Enjoying testing the demo in the mean time :)
Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts and suggestions! We really do appreciate it, and we all benefit from real users making suggestions for things that feel natural.

If you have any further suggestions or any questions, just let us know!


4tune 08-26-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Testing Demo, a few suggestions
Thanks for the reply and consideration!


Originally Posted by Sherry C (Post 14744)
This would fall in with the options for the user to define their own shortcuts/mouse actions. Currently, the mousewheel is used for scrolling through the score, which is a bit more common functionality in other common programs.

In regards to this I am not talking about changing the default mouse wheel behavior, but adding zoom with the modifier Ctrl. Examples would be firefox/ windows "Wordpad" which have this. The scrolling without Ctrl works as expected.

This becomes less relevant anyhow with what you have indicated about the level definability you have planned anyway.

I look forward to seeing the developments and may just take you up on future suggestions if I can come up with them :)


Sherry C 08-26-2010 11:03 PM

Re: Testing Demo, a few suggestions

Thanks for the extra clarification :)

As we do work on future development, we often inquire if anyone is interested in testing via the Announcements section here in the Users Forum, so stay tuned :)


4tune 08-26-2010 11:08 PM

Re: Testing Demo, a few suggestions
Sounds good!

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