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bluecamels 03-02-2011 11:47 PM

Different timed notes with no ties
Hello! :)

I've come across a problem that actually is becoming more common with this program for me as I transcribe more complex pieces of music.

Example: In the treble clef at the first beat I have one regular quarter note played at the same time as 2 dotted quarter notes in 12/8 time. The dotted quarter notes end up getting split and tied into the measure notation-wise because they are grouped with a regular quarter note. The ties for the dotted quarter notes seem to be 'un-collapsible'. The sound it produces is fine. I just want it 'to look' the way it is supposed to though. Is there a way to have these two differently timed notes played together and notation wise be separate with no ties...hence each being their own entity????
I use notation to transcribe difficult music from regular sheets for me on the piano and then use the notation composer music file to learn the song from. This is great usually because I can slow down the tempo to learn difficult rhythms, but when notes are tied together it makes it 'look messy' and thus more complicated to read. I have tried putting the dotted quarter notes on a separate staff from the regular quarter note and then tried to merge the two staffs together. Sometimes this works for my problem and sometimes it does not. In my dilemma right now this fix does not work. The stave's get merged and the dotted quarter notes get ignored and are displayed as regular quarter notes along with the original quarter note they were merged with.

Is there a way to fix this??? I don't want ties.

Thanks in advance. :)

Sherry C 03-03-2011 12:32 AM

Re: Different timed notes with no ties

There are typically a couple of ways you can take care of tied notes.

One is to select just the tie (not the note), and then click on the "Collapse ties" button in the Notes/Ties tool palette.

The other way is to give the different notes different "voices". For example, if you have a quarter note and a dotted quarter note on beat one and you want to make sure you don't have ties, then make the higher pitch note an 'upper voice' note and the lower one a "lower voice" note.

Hope this helps. If it doesn't answer the situation, please post a bit more detail, or the file you're working in and give us a measure/beat/note(s) indicator for digging in further.


bluecamels 03-03-2011 02:33 AM

Re: Different timed notes with no ties
Thanks a lot! The lower upper voice was it!

I love this program and thanks for responding so quickly. :) :)

The only other things I would like to see modified (which I think are already on the to-do-list) are upward arpeggio symbols that extend from the bass clef through into the treble clef, manual ties to visibly link notes in between rests, and direct file exporting into PDF. Don't get me wrong though...I LOVE this program! It has many awesome abilities and I know that it's still a work in progress. Thanks for reading and helping. :)

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