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Tim Mariott 03-12-2024 01:20 PM

Playback cursor and 8 time signature
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Sherry

Long time no speak. I have recently come across a peculiarity which I guess is not a bug but just a restriction. I have been trying to learn a new vocal piece which is in 4/8 time - "Passing By" - file attached.

I find the playback cursor vertical line very helpful in cueing me in when learning a new piece - but in this case the vertical bar only moves on each new measure, not on each new beat. The notes are still highlit correctly as the piece plays.

So I changed the time signature to 2/4 (fortunately the composer is no longer alive!) and the vertical bar moves as I would expect, on each beat. I also experimented with 4/4 and C time signatures.

My conclusion is that the playback cursor does not work correctly for time signatures based on quavers, only for those based on crochets. I haven't experimented with any more complex (os simpler) time signatures.

Do you agree with my conclusions?

Hope you are keeping well and looking forward to a year of election frenzy :mad:

Best wishes

Sherry C 03-12-2024 02:44 PM

Re: Playback cursor and 8 time signature
Hi Tim,

As we like to say around here, no news is good news ;)

Thanks for the report. This is a known issue that is specific to the meters 2/8 and 4/8, and it's been around since the early days. All other more complicated meters that we've tested seem to play fine. We've had exactly one report from users about this problem - this one :) I'll add this to the task in our database.

As you've found, you can indeed work around the bug by changing the meter. I hope that's not too inconvenient, nor that the composer comes back to haunt you ;)

Election frenzy has already started. I've had to block more robo-call numbers on my phone in the last few months than I've had to in the last few years.....


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