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Vartan 08-09-2009 03:26 PM

MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Hello there! :)

I'm having trouble recording into Notation Composer.

Before my old, Windows Vista x86, computer broke, I used Maple MIDI Tools to give me virtual MIDI ports to connect Composer to various VSTs I would start up in Plogue Bidule. Recording was done through a MIDI-to-USB module that hooked up my keyboard controller to my PC.

Now that I have a new computer with Windows 7 RTM x64, I had to find an alternative as Maple MIDI Tools doesn't have a 64-bit version out yet. So, I installed LoopBe30 ( is their site). I'm still using the same procedure for keyboard input, however.

However, I am now running into problems recording. When I start recording into Composer, as soon as I hit a note, it plays back on the LoopBe30 virtual MIDI cable (as it should), but then Composer detects data coming through the port and switches the default input device to that "cable" and starts an infinite loop. Luckily, LoopBe30 automatically then "mutes" the port so as to stop this loop.

The difference between Maple MIDI Tools and LoopBe30 as I used them was that Maple MIDI Tools created a separate section in Composer's MIDI Device Configuration dialog for each in port and out port, whereas LoopBe30 has a section for each In/Out port (together).

I tried changing the properties for the LoopBe30 devices, and deselected "Echo MIDI input to output" and "Is MIDI input device", but the problem still happens.

Is there any way to lock the input to my MIDI-to-USB cable's port and stop Composer from switching to LoopBe30 for recording?

Thanks! :D

dj 08-10-2009 11:43 AM

Re: MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Hi, Vartan:

That sounds like a head-scratcher.

Have you exit-ed and re-started Composer after making your changes to the midi-through settings? That may make a difference.

If the LoopBe30 software automatically echoes its input back to the same port, then I wonder whether there is a setting somewhere in LoopBe30 that will turn that "feature" off. Try checking the program's website and forum, if there is one.

I can't help you much further than that, as I'm still using WinXP -- and would be using DOS 3.0 if I could!

Good luck.


Vartan 08-11-2009 04:51 AM

Re: MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Hello David,


Originally Posted by dj (Post 11965)
Have you exit-ed and re-started Composer after making your changes to the midi-through settings? That may make a difference.

Yes, I deselected "Auto-select configuration on startup" and restarted Composer before trying things out again.


Originally Posted by dj (Post 11965)
If the LoopBe30 software automatically echoes its input back to the same port, then I wonder whether there is a setting somewhere in LoopBe30 that will turn that "feature" off. Try checking the program's website and forum, if there is one.

I checked LoopBe30 out and they don't have an option to turn off the all-in-one feature.

Recently it has happened that Composer wouldn't start an infinite loop, but when recording a new track after another has already been created, it will switch to LoopBe30 for recording and record the playback of the other channel.


Sherry C 08-12-2009 04:09 PM

Re: MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Howdy Vartan,

Please try doing the following:
1. In your MIDI Device Configuration setup, uncheck the "Is input device" for all the LoopBe30 "Device" headings.

2. ALSO right-click on the Port(s) for the LoopBe30, and uncheck "Open for MIDI input (recording)".

3. In the MIDI Device Configuration dialog's menu "File", select "New..."

4. Save this configuration with a name like "LoopBe30 No Recording" (or whatever helps you remember it ;) )
I think that having the Port setting "off" for "Open for MIDI input" should do the trick. Otherwise every time that Composer detects a MIDI signal coming from that port, it will automatically treat it like an input device (which is what you've been seeing). Turning the port itself off should effectively "turn the spigot off" so no signal can come back to Composer.

I don't have LoopBe30 installed, so I can't test this myself. Do let me know if it does (or doesn't) work.


p.s. Good sig :)

Vartan 08-16-2009 04:45 PM

Re: MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Hello Sherry,

I'm sorry for the late-ish reply, I haven't had a chance to try out your suggestion until today.

Everything worked perfectly and I'm not having problems anymore.

Thank you very much!


Sherry C 08-16-2009 04:52 PM

Re: MIDI Infinite Loop - any way to "lock" default input?
Hi Vartan,

Thanks for letting me know that turning off the port worked. Others may benefit from that knowledge as well :) Since there are so many possible devices and configurations (more than we could possibly test directly), it's always helpful when all of us share info like this.

I look forward to seeing and hearing some of your work in our "Share your music" section.


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