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dawjazz 08-28-2017 08:40 PM

collapse multiple measures
The user guide says :

Throughout a score, wherever there are two or more measures with only rests for all of the staves, you can specify whether each measure will be displayed with a whole measure rest, or whether all measures are collapsed into a multiple measure rest. The following is an example of a two-measure rest:

To display multiple measure rests:
In the Format menu, turn on the check mark for Collapse Multiple Measure Rests.
-- OR --
Type "qcmr" for Quick Collapse Multiple Rests.
To display each measure with its own whole measure rest:
Turn off the check mark for Collapse Multiple Measure Rests in the Format menu.

I created a part with a 2-measure collapsed rest at the beginning. Now it has switched to 2 consecutive measures with whole rest in each. How can I get it back to the 2-measure rest notation in one measure?
There is NO Collapse Multiple Measure Rests item in the Format menu. Am I looking in the wrong place? I appreciate any help.


Sherry C 08-29-2017 04:23 AM

Re: collapse multiple measures
Hi Dale,

One thing that may explain the change you're seeing is if you've added other staves to the piece which contain notes in those first two staves. The collapse resting staves command is only valid if ALL staves for a part have resting measures.

If the above does not seem to be the case, please either post a copy of the file here on the forum, or send us a copy of the file and a brief explanation of how you created the file to


dawjazz 08-29-2017 06:25 AM

Re: collapse multiple measures
1 Attachment(s)
My file is a single voice, 8-bar phrase in 3/4 time for alto sax. The first two bars have whole measure rests, the remaining six bars have notes. It is a single staff; there are no multiple staves to collapse.

Originally, I was able to make combine the opening two bars with the symbol resembling this: |--2--|, but some reason, it changed back to 2 bars of whole note rests.

The user guide says to type 'qcmr' for 'quick collapse multiple rests'. This does not work.

The guide also says you can turn on or turn off the check mark for Collapse Multiple Measure Rests in the Format menu--but I don't see Collapse Multiple Measure Rests in the Format menu:mad:. Where is it?

I've attached my notation file.

Thank you for shedding any light on this frustrating problem.


Sherry C 08-29-2017 03:00 PM

Re: collapse multiple measures
Hi Dale,

Thanks for including the file - that's always helpful.

The reason that the first two measures won't collapse is that in the score there is a Rehearsal Mark in the first measure, which - even if hidden in the Alto Sax part - makes that measure technically contain something and which prevents it from collapsing. If you don't need the Rehearsal mark, just delete it and then the measures will collapse and have the "--2--" symbol.

Thanks also for pointing out the outdated info that I missed correcting in the User Guide - I've noted that for fixing. The "Collapse multiple measure rests" is located in the Measures menu, the last command in that list.

Please let us know if you have any further problems or questions.


Sherry C 08-29-2017 03:02 PM

Re: collapse multiple measures
p.s. Just for clarification, the Rehearsal Mark is set for "no show" in the Alto Sax part, but is "show" in the Conductor's Score. To see it in the Alto Sax part, you can click Text/Rehearsal Marks, then click the "glasses" symbol on the far left to make the Rehearsal Mark visible.


dawjazz 08-30-2017 04:34 AM

Re: collapse multiple measures
Thank you for the information. I had resorted to inserting several bars at the beginning and was able to get the news ones to collapse. I then deleted the two original measures that would not collapse, along with more of the newly added measures until I had two collapsed measures. Then I read your solution and it worked like a charm. Also, knowing where the collapse multiple measures command is in the Measure menu restored my sanity.

Thanks again.


Sherry C 08-31-2017 02:53 PM

Re: collapse multiple measures
Hi Dale,

The step that would make it all work in your listed steps was deleting the original 2 first measures - that would delete the Rehearsal Mark that was causing the measures to not collapse.

Glad it's all working as you want now :)


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