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Tim Mariott 03-05-2013 09:29 PM

Operating Systems
I guess this is a big one for the new team to assess but I would be interested to know if there are any thoughts for extending the operating systems under which Notation might run. I have an increasing number of choir members using iPads and also a few mavericks running Linux. I try to encourage as many as possible to use Notation Player to practice their choir pieces and have even persuaded some to move up to Notation Musician.
I appreciate that making the software available in additional languages should extend your sales footprint but the brave new world of tablets might also be worth considering.

Sherry C 03-06-2013 01:16 PM

Re: Operating Systems
Hi Tim,

As you probably know, it does indeed take resources to develop our products for other platforms, and we need a robust business model to be able to have those resources. If you know of anyone (or if anyone reading this knows) or if you are someone who would be interested in pursuing such development for other platforms, please do let us know!


Tim Mariott 03-06-2013 01:58 PM

Re: Operating Systems

I quite appreciate that offering the products on other platforms is likely to be much more than a port and in the cases of Macs and iPads would be a major undertaking. So I guess the next best option would be a robust export in MusicXML format as the current Midi export loses so many useful features. I recall that MusicXML is somewhere on the wish list.

Sherry C 03-06-2013 02:12 PM

Re: Operating Systems
Hi Tim,

Notation Composer 2.6.3 does export to MusicXML format. You can find that under File/Export...MusicXML.

It does not currently import Music XML, but that is on the "wish list" as many users collaborate with other musicians who use other software.


Tim Mariott 03-06-2013 02:28 PM

Re: Operating Systems

Clearly I was confusing my exports with my imports: no wonder the UK has an exchange rate problem. Now trying to find some tame Mac/iPad users to try out some MusicXML exports. I did just press the Export...MusicXML button and received an error message telling me that some lyrics were not correctly aligned and this might result in the loss of all lyrics from the MusicXML file. Is there anything else of which I should take extra care if thinking of exporting in MusicXML format??

Sherry C 03-06-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Operating Systems
Hi Tim,

I can't think of others off the top of my head (I don't personally do any Music XML exports for my own use), but the software should tell you (as it did in the instance of the lyrics) if there will be any issues you need to address. The Music XML format is a "work in progress" that tries to bridge file formats from many different music programs, and so there will likely always be something that needs tweaking in the target program, but the good news is that it's getting better all the time.

If you find any problems with the exports, please do let us know. You can either post them here in the forum, or send them directly to the Helpdesk at


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