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Falderie 12-13-2009 12:17 PM

Midi file won't load
Hello! I'm back!
It took me awhile to find anything to complain about.
It took me even so long that my usual log in name wasn't valid anymore :p
To refresh your memory: I'm Ingrid from Holland
(Yes, the one who could find bugs very easy :D)

Anyway, I found something again:
I've just finished my 2nd Symphony in a Multitrack Software Program
(sorry guys, I can't compose with just the notes, I only need the sounds) and it's a long piece with a total of 20 minutes. So I've cut them into smaller pieces in order to print them out, so I can put the dynamics in by hand. That way I can put them quicker into the BIG full score of the total 20 minutes when I've put them all together again.

For 3 pieces it went great, but the 4th didn't want to load at all. I get the following message at the bottom:

Command is unexpectedly complex (C:\notation\branches\version2x\version234\src\not ation\NOTATE\DURATION.CPP:779) (error1)

Now... I *know* my music is complex ;)
First of all, it has 24 staffs when all instruments are playing, and it has alot of tempo- en time signature changes. The only thing that's really different from the previous pieces is that there are a few 64th notes in it. But I don't see how that should be a problem for Composer.

Hopefully by seeing above mentioned error, you know what's wrong and that you can tell me what I should do to get this midi file loaded.

Falderie (Ingrid)

dj 12-13-2009 02:34 PM

Re: Midi file won't load
Hi, Ingrid:

"Command is unexpectedly complex" can come up when Composer finds it impossible to notate something, due to complex cross-bar ties or something similar.

Check Auto-file Save Recovery under the File menu. You may have a loadable backup available there.

I can't comment any more technically than that.

Good luck


Sherry C 12-14-2009 01:19 AM

Re: Midi file won't load
Howdy Ingrid,

Good to see you again :)

David's advice about finding a backup file is good. If you don't have one that will open for you, you can send me a copy of the file to so we can take a look at it.


Falderie 12-14-2009 07:22 AM

Re: Midi file won't load
Hello David and Sherry!

Thanks for replying so fast and that on a Sunday! Many thanks!
The answer of David helped me this far, that I found a bug in the other software I'm using ;-)
In two tracks there was a note without a so called note-off so it went on and on endlessly.
I've put the other guy at work now hahaha.

Ow, by the way, me trying to find bugs is not something I'm doing on purpose.
I have a natural gift for it and by telling them to you I only want you to make the software even better than it already is!!!


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