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veneman 01-18-2010 09:54 PM

Coloured text e.o.
Already in the early days of Notation Composer I found a
need to make some free text, repeat marks e.o. in color.

Particular for rehearsals with the band I use this often.
Now I do this with Markers or Red pencils to highligh
specific items
in the notation.

I found this feature also in Sibelius, but don't like to buy
this expensive product and go through the learning curve.
I believe this requested feature is somewhere on the To-Do list

Another sometime very valuable feature is to be able to
have a box around text. I found this also in compative products.

It would be great to have it in a next release after 2.6.

Cheers Jaap

Sherry C 01-24-2010 12:33 AM

Re: Coloured text e.o.
Hi Jaap,

Thanks for your lobbying effort here :) We do indeed have colored text on the "to do" list, and it is slated for the next major release. I'm afraid I don't have a time frame for that, though.

Are there others who would use such a colored text feature? Please do let us know, as knowing how many users find such features useful is helpful to us in prioritizing new features.


dj 01-24-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Coloured text e.o.
Hi, Jaap, Sherry:

I must confess that I have been yearning for more customizable colour within the program itself.

Although I haven't found a need for colour text (or perhaps even colour notes) in printouts, I can see that it may be very useful.

One thing that I would like is customizable "paper" colours, for a specific reason: Sibelius offers a "parchment"-like background and I have a colleague (using Sibelius) who points that out as superior.

I mention that none of the paper he prints on is parchment so that his screen wouldn't actually look like his paper, but he does go on about it.

If I can have a "parchment" paper colour (if parchment paper is not an oxymoron), then that would cut the legs out from under his argument.

We all know that Sibelius (at $1,000+) holds no major advantage over Composer in terms of notation.

Only semi-facetiously,


veneman 01-24-2010 03:27 PM

Re: Coloured text e.o.
Hello David,

I appreciate your idea about the request I made.
Yes I have noticed the background coloured motive in Sibelius.
There are more programs that have such a feature, some even customizable (themes). Adobe in there Creative Master Suite CS3 and more in CS4 has brought some background colour in the windows. Personally I don't really appreciate such as usable feature, it's more a cosmetic that largely depends on taste. And it may be true that users, particularly those that hardly can use the programs advanced functions but tend to appreciate cosmetic changes as great improvements.

The problem I'm facing is a group of harmonica players that most
of them are not good music notation readers, (the often follow the structure) but depend much more on instructions. So often, even for myself, for the rehearsals we use colours to see where a repeat bar are or registration (instrument) changes for the keyboardplayer. Also the number of couplets and verses, some accents, and more.

So I would be glad to be able to use colour for notations instead
of doing this for so many books by hand with a marker or such.

Cheers Jaap

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