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braddy 07-03-2010 08:27 PM

Roland F-90 / Windows 7 / Composer 2.6.1 not reading device
The piano is not recording in the Notation Composer score.

I read through the online instructions several times to no avail.

The device does show up under the Windows devices when I plug in the USB port (disappears when I unplug and reappears when I re-plug) so it seems Windows sees it. And the test in Notation for the scale within 2.6.1 plays so that part works.

Any ideas? :)

Thank you.

Sherry C 07-03-2010 10:09 PM

Re: Roland F-90 / Windows 7 / Composer 2.6.1 not reading device
Hi Braddy,

A few questions here:

1. Are you using an interface unit to get from the keyboard into the computer, or is it a direct USB cable from the keyboard?

2. If the answer to 1 is "direct from the keyboard", then what kind of keyboard?

3. If the answer to 1 is "interface XYZ", and there are MIDI In and Out cables involved, please try switching the "In" and "Out" (that's probably the biggest reason that recording doesn't happen - it's confusing to know if "In" should go to "In" or should it go to "Out". The answer is "It depends"...)

If it's an interface and suggestion 3 doesn't resolve it, let us know what interface unit you're using. Some have better track records than other in the MIDI world.


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