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Old 11-29-2010, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: Time signature change in the middle of tied notes


Originally Posted by Fury Pilot View Post
However, in the White Christmas piece, the tied note sequence is followed by a rest. As we know from my other bug report, Notation Player does not correctly display the last note of the tie when followed by a rest. (I assume this is the true bug that you've flagged as 2388 - although your description implies it only occurs when going into a bar with a changed time signature, which is not my experience. I.e. it occurs even when there's no time signature change in the ending bar.)

What I've also discovered is that, in the above case, Notation Player doesn't display the new time signature for that bar either! If I change the rest to a note, the time signature appears. Is this another (related) bug?

I'm only seeing the problem here if that last measure has a different time signature. I've tested new files made from scratch, both with different times signatures (which show the problem) and without (which don't). There may be another bug lurking that is coinciding but not caused by the rest-following-a-note. I'd need to do a bit more digging on that one. Do you happen to have another file or two, or the specific steps that you've taken to expose the bug?

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