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Old 08-15-2021, 02:12 PM
iandg iandg is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 27
Default Ferrofish B4000+

Hallo, Composer Community

I have checked the Forum, and there's no hit for Ferrofish, but still, it's worth raising the question......

I'm just into my second month of using a Ferrofish B4000+, which is a bit of midi-capable hardware, very reasonably priced for what it does, which is: it is a digital clone of the Hammond B3, with a few additional capabilities.

In programming/control terms, it's a pretty 'big' set of controls and possibilities. Easy to make horrid sounds very quickly, making musical ones takes a bit longer. At this stage I've done enough of the latter to be impressed and hopeful.

So - anyone else using one ? And if you are, would you be interested to compare notes and wrinkles from time to time ?


Ian Graham

Wales UK.
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