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Old 06-14-2017, 11:40 AM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
Posts: 810
Default Re: Anything a newbie should know?

Hi, Rob:

Thanks for posting the WINTER.MID file. Very nice piece with a haunting melody.

The trouble you're having is that you seem to have recorded the piece without setting the tempo in Composer, so, while you were playing at 70 bpm, Composer recorded along at the default 120 bpm.

You'll note that the downbeats in the music don't necessarily meet up with the bar-lines in the transcription. You played at 70 bpm, but the recording progressed at 120 bpm.

So, when you reset the tempo to 70 in Composer, it actually slows down your recorded data to about 45 bpm.

Two possible solutions: 1) re-record after setting the tempo in Composer to 70. You can play free-style, without a metronome, in which case the notation will probably not jive totally with the bar-lines and will need correction; or use the metronome feature (under the Perform menu) and record a strict-time version, then use the GraphOverNotes(TM) feature to draw in rubatii and fermatii as you need.


2) use Composer's Rebar feature on your already recorded version to record new bar-lines that will adjust the notation to fit the tempo you actually recorded at. I've attached a .not version of your file with the first few bars "rebarred" to show you how the feature can work. It's well documented in the user's guide, but it does take some fiddling to get right.

Yes, you should be able to get a hard-copy of the manual, but you'd be best to contact the help desk on that. (Yeah, I like paper pages, too.)

I hope this helps.

Attached Files
File Type: not WINTER beginning rebar.not (67.1 KB, 1 views)
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